February 10, 2010


"Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime"

I love to fly fish, fishing is my passion! There's nothing like tying your own flies, placing a perfect cast, with a perfect drift to a waiting fish that takes your presentation. What a rush!! Landing a beautiful trout, taking in it's beauty and then releasing back into the water.

The best way to learn is from others. I'm grateful to those who have taken the time to take me fishing (and my wife Holly for letting me fish). I learn something every time I go out and I want this blog to be helpful to those who read it. I want you to share your success's, failures, fly recipes, hot spots and your fishing reports for our local waters here in Utah. This is a great state with "Blue Ribbon" fisheries that are a short 30 to 40 min. away from home. I plan on updating my fishing trips, with pictures and what I find that works and doesn't work. I hope you enjoy this blog.

My name is Brandon Archuletta, aka "Utah" ToutHunter and I love to fish. I hope to see you on the water, let's go fishing!!


  1. B, I'm impressed! Didn't know you had blogging in you but I have to say this is a great idea! I love your blog's very masculine
    layout and especially that hot guy 2nd down. Can I get his #? You and Kel need another trip! He needs it! You should be an instructor, seriously! I remember laughing at the "Fly Tying" class offered at Ricks! Easy A I thought! I think it's harder than that!

  2. Yay B!! Awesome idea. I wanna fish with you sometime! Nik
