November 4, 2011


As promised, here are some updated photo's from this past summer and fall. The fish to right is nice 15" cutthroat out of the South Fork of the Ogden. I caught a number a smaller fish, 10-12" range, all on dry's. It seemed any attractor fly worked, Royal Trude to Royal Wulff and any stimulator I threw at them. This was a fun quick trip.

This was a rough outing, mid July on the middle Provo. All of the water was blown out, murky and so high and swift. You had to fish the edges in search of any trout. I hooked into a few fish that I never landed, this was the only guy that came to net. It was still fun, any day on the water beats a day at work, or at least a short day at work! Thanks K for taking the pic and lending a hand to land him!

*Madison River- 9/23/11: Below will be a number of fish we caught this fall up on the Madison with Jason and Dee, this is starting to be an annual trip we take each September for my b-day. Thanks to Dee and Jason for the all of the fun memories. It's great to fish with people who love the sport and are wanting to learn from each other.
One thing I love about the Madison, all of the fish are healthy and strong. Most of the better fish we caught were all on top with ant patterns and small attractor flies. We were hoping to float 2 of these days and do some stripping. One of my good friends, Dave Bess who guides all summer on the Madison needed to head home this weekend and take care of some business at home. Next year Dave we will slay them and you'll teach us the ropes about chucking some meat!!

Now this is a funny story. We had been on the water for 3 days, we were sore and all looking forward to the hard spring beds back at the cabin.

Jas said, "I'm done, I'm heading back". 2 casts later, as he was wading through a slow riffle, he hooked into this beauty of a brown right along the edge. Jason was surprised and shocked this fish was there. After we landed him, he couldn't believe his eyes. This 19" brown was the fish of the trip and Jason was grinning from ear to ear. What a fish and a memory!

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